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- 🎮Roblox - Dragon Tokens Scandal, New Codes, Xmas Updates and more!
🎮Roblox - Dragon Tokens Scandal, New Codes, Xmas Updates and more!
So many Roblox updates!
Hello, Roblox fans! |
Update of the WeekBlox Fruits - Dragon UpdateIt seems like forever since the last Blox Fruits update, which makes the arrival of dragons a premium event. There’s so much ground to cover, but first, you must know how to get and use Dragon Tokens in Blox Fruits. Here’s what awaits you in Blox Fruits Dragon update:
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Blox Fruits: Players are upset over Dragon Tokens
After almost a year, Blox Fruits released its highly anticipated Dragon Update, and players worldwide jumped into the action the minute it went live, anticipating significant changes. While no new major elements exist, the update introduced a change in an existing mechanic, which has sparked controversy.
Dress to Impress Christmas Event Guide
Winter Town also offers more flexibility when it comes to player count. You can go on the quests with friends and other players in your server, or even go solo by hopping into the single-player cabin of the Winter Town train. Enjoy choosing from one-player, two-player, four-player, or eight-player for your quests.
Weekly Top Pick
Anime Power Defense is one of Roblox's best and most overlooked tower defense games. There are a lot of units in the game right now, and figuring out which ones are worth summoning for and evolving can be hard, especially if you are new.
The Next Roblox Hit
Are you prepared for an action-packed anime history lesson? In Anime Multiverse, you wield powers used throughout anime history to become more powerful. Instead of rolling for characters, you roll for abilities from iconic anime heroes. Instead of using Goku and Gojo, you can become their fusion, the ultimate character.
Use the code UpdateSoon for 5 Stat Cubes, 1k Gems, and 5 Trait Shards. Visit our Anime Multiverse codes page for the latest rewards!
If you want to see your favorite game covered in a future update, reply to this email, and we’ll read your suggestion! Be sure to check your emails again next week for the newest Roblox news from Problox!